Newport Associates would like to lower the parking ratio to their next 10th Street embankment building (The Revetment Building). The redevelopment plan requires a 1 to 1 parking ratio. They are proposing 96 parking spots for the 163 units in the building. That's an on-site parking ratio of .58 per unit. Through a shuffling of parking spots Newport Associates would like the majority of the people in The Embankment Building to use a lot on the other side of 11th Street. The Revetment Building would then be allowed to rent parking spots in the The Embankment Building. By doing this, on paper, Newport Associates can say that the parking ratio is higher.
It wasn't too long ago that past HPNA board members worked with the city to solidify having 1 to 1 parking and items such as dog runs for these buildings. Newport Associates/LeFrak agreed to those items and they were placed into the redevelopment plan.
2016.01.14 310 10th Street Revetment Drawings.pdf
This change will go before the planning board on 2/23. All are welcome to speak.
Please check the homepage of our website for updates.
You can also email your city representatives.
Bob Cotter (head of planning), MaryAnn Bucci (planning), Councilwoman Osborne, Councilman at Large Rolando Lavarro, and the HPNA,,,,
2007.01.09 Resolution of the Planning Board for Newport Associates.pdf
2013.02.13 Jersey Ave Tenth St RDP Amd2.pdf
2014.01.31 270 Tenth Street amendments.pdf
2014.06.30 270 Tenth Street Public Notice Request to Lower Parking Ratio.pdf
2014.07.08 270 10th St Amended final resolution.pdf
2016.01.14 310 Tenth Street Public Notice Request to Lower Parking Ratio.pdf