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  • Ballot Initiative


Join us in our goal to add the following question to the November ballot:

'Should the Board of Education Elections be moved to the third Tuesday in April.'

This grassroots effort firmly believes that a change to April will enhance voter focus and significantly increase voter participation in the budget approval process (as there is currently no option).  A recent article details the abuse and mismanagement by the School Board due to the lack of oversight caused by the November election date.  The current School Board President Dejon Morris comes with his own checkered past as per this Hudsoncountyview article.

But we can change that.

By signing this petition, you are not endorsing the change. You are endorsing the democratic process of allowing the voters to decide.

 You must be a registered voter living in Jersey City to sign this petition.

Send a message to your School Board and your Council Persons that this behavior will no longer be tolerated.


In 2012:  

  • Historically, the JC BOE elections were held on the third Tuesday in April.  Voters selected from BOE candidates and there was a separate line item to accept the proposed BOE Budget by simply voting yes or no. This was one of the stand alone elections that Jersey City held. 

February 8, 2012

  • The City Council voted to put the question: 'should the BOE elections move to the first Tuesday in November' on the ballot.’  Municipal Resolution 12-077.

November 6, 2012

  • The voters decided to move the election to November by a wide margin.

November 28, 2012

  • The City Council approved resolution 12-798, formally moving the election to the first Tuesday of November.  

November 5, 2013

  • The BOE candidates appeared on the November ballot, minus the budget approval question.  


Prior to 2013, Jersey City held a maximum of three elections per year which included the Board of Education elections in April, the Municipal elections in June, and the National elections in November.  This resulted in voter fatigue.  It felt like the city was always in an election cycle.  The Board of Education elections were the least attended.  

The proponents surmised that by moving all the elections to November, more people would vote in the local elections if tied to the national elections and save the city money.

Since moving the election, the Board of Education Election has been lost in the shuffle by becoming a down ballot race. In addition, the issues plaguing the BOE are no longer properly discussed and its budget not scrutinized by the voters. 



Have time to help us collect signatures?

Willing to collect signatures of your friends and family?  Canvass the building you live in, the school your child attends, the church you attend?  

email us


Outside Grove St. PATH Station,

Tuesday April 16, at 7:30 am

Starting in May, we'll be at:  

Hamilton Park Farmers Market on Wednesdays 4-7.

Can't get there, let us know


The HPNA is an all volunteer organization.  We rely on donations to cover our expenses


Address: 344 Grove St. PMB #166, Jersey City, NJ 07302

Phone: +1 (201) 589-0750


Have a question?

Click to see our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Hamilton Park Neighborhood Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

344 Grove St., PMB #166, Jersey City, NJ 07302

Phone: +1 (201) 589-0750


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